Village Activities
The Tyler Hill Memorial Hall is home to a range of local clubs and groups.
Tyler Hill CC play Sunday cricket, in the Kent Village Cricket League. We are a family- friendly, village based club - and are always looking for new players and for more friends of the club.
We run teams from under 7 to under 13, All coaches are DBS checked, and qualified.
We use safe training and match environments.
Players of all abilities are welcome.
Afternoon tea is held at the Memorial Hall on the 1st Wednesday of each month from. 2.30pm at £1.00 a head. A chance to meet other villagers and have a chat.
Please let us know if you will be there, as we don’t want to run out of cake, and pass this message on to anyone in the village that might like to come.
Tyler Hill Gardening Society meets at the hall at 7.30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We have a varied programme which also includes guest speakers.
New members and guests are most welcome.
Suitable for beginners and those that are more experienced. Gentle yoga gives you the opportunity to become aware of your body and calm the mind through stretching, posture, breath work and relaxation.
Chair Yoga for those who experience difficulty getting down onto the floor or kneeling. Standing postures are often included to help with balance along with stretches, breath work and relaxation.
Classes are run by a Chartered Physiotherapist (Clare) and are suitable for all levels.
It is a mat based class focussing on improving core stability, strength, flexibility, posture and balance.
The classes can be tailored to the individual’s needs depending on physical ability, can be modified for injuries, or used as an effective rehabilitation for musculoskeletal problems or simply to improve general fitness.
Canterbury Photographic Society meets in the Main Hall throughout their season from September to May on the third Wednesday of each month. We use the meeting room above the main Hall for image editing tutorials.
Our programme includes speakers and tutorials and we have regular competitions and practical sessions. From time to time we open our meetings to other camera clubs and visitors from local groups.
New members of all abilities are always made very welcome to our friendly Club.
Happy Little Learners Toddler and Preschool classes run their Explorers Class out of Tyler Hill Memorial Hall one Sunday a month. Explorers Classes are a great mix of messy play, crafts, water play, role play and small world play centred around a different theme each session. Classes finish with story time, songs and a snack and are suitable for anyone aged 18 months to 8 years old.
Booking is essential.
Rock Choir is the pioneering contemporary choir of the UK and remains unique with over 33,000 members participating in approximately 400 local communities including Canterbury. It offers all ages an alternative experience to the traditional classical or community choir introducing members to feel-good pop, rock and contemporary chart songs.
There are no auditions and no requirement to read music when joining Rock Choir.
Everyone is welcome and can sign up for a FREE taster session. (See contact details)
Jordan - 07514 299989
Jim - 07495 724749
Alex - 07821 152863
Afternoon Tea Club
Jenny -
Gardening Society
Penny -
June - 07879 825639
Clare - 07732 848914
Photographic Society
01227 477113
Rock Choir
Bowls Club
01227 767367
Tai Chi
07547 421207
9.00am - 12.00pm Rock Choir
5.30pm - 6.30pm Tai Chi
8:30am - 9:25am, 9:30am - 10:25am (term time) Pilates
11.15am - 12.15pm - Nature Makers
5.30pm - 6.30pm Tai Chi
7.30pm -.8.30pm - Yoga
10.30am - 11.30pm Chair Yoga
2.00pm - 4.00pm Afternoon Tea Club
(first Wednesday of the month)
7.00pm - 10.00pm C'bury Photographic Society
(1st, 2nd, 4th Wednesdays of the month)
7.30pm - 9.30pm Gardening Society
(3rd Wednesday of the month)
7.00pm - 9.00pm Short Mat Bowls Club
9.30am - 10.30am Yoga
2.00pm - 4.00pm Tai Chi
(Third Sunday of the month)
Tyler Hill Bridge Club
"Regarding the hall, everyone who plays bridge there thinks it is by far the best in the area.The kitchen facilities are good and the unusual fabric pictures depicting activities past and present are unique."
Margaret C Whitstable